Diffusers General
Linear diffusers and swirl diffusers Climate ceilings play an important role in thermal and acoustic comfort. The comfort and appearance of climate ceilings are best realised if the required air exchange is draught-free and occurs via the ceiling in a subtle manner. Inteco integrates linear and swirl diffusers, but primarily concealed Opticlean grids (diffusers), into its climate ceilings.
- Liner and swirl diffusers can be integrated into the ceiling in various ways.
- The Opticlean grid is seen as the ultimate integration solution. This unique patented supply diffuser is not visible and blows air into the relevant space via perforations in the ceiling panel. Unlike other inducing air vents, there is no, or very little, fouling on the ceiling.
Depending in the acoustic requirements, besides using air vents, there are also various other possibilities for disposing of return air via the climate ceiling.
- A commonly used solution involves extraction via air ducts in or next to light fixtures, whereby a noise attenuator can be placed on the fixture to prevent cross-talk. Philips-Inteco integration Tl fixtures can often be fitted with a noise attenuator in the factory.
- Via air ducts in the edges of the ceiling (only possible if acoustic separation is not needed for the ceiling). Inteco offers a wide range of possibilities.